JusticeB4Greed © 2003 - 2017 | PRIVACY POLICY
JusticeB4Greed is a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to expose the cycle of corruption that exists between the corporate, banking, political, education, religious and legal systems. Our aim is to educate the general public, to mobilize against corruption and to take action to return our country to a system of justice for all.
WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION: mainstream is filled with fake news, fake reality TV, fake individuals perpetuating lies to pacify the general public. Education is the pathway to freedom from this cycle of victimization, manipulation and control. Armed with information, citizens can protect themselves and their love ones from all constructed social illnesses of society.
Greed has overtaken love and compassion for humanity on a massive scale. Children and their families are exploited in third world countries for pennies to manufacture goods that they could never afford. Veterans are left homeless and starving on the streets after giving their lives to protect our freedom. Employees work longer hours for fewer wages for fear of termination. All the while corrupt individuals, organizations and systems fill their coffers with money profited from collusion. Today is the day to take a stand against greed.
Greed knows only one form of communication: FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS. Greed cannot profit when citizens armed with information take action at the checkout counter. Make a commitment today to not purchase goods or services of those found to be corrupt. Be sure to tell all your friends, family, colleagues and associates. Contact your local FBI and demand prosecution. Write your local, state and federal politician. Ask President Donald Trump to take action immediately! Donate to the Citizens' Empowerment Against Corruption Campaign. These are just some of the steps in which you can help our country regain a system of justice for all.
Citizens' Empowerment Against Corruption